培養部長:泊 博幸
Embryo transfer medium containing granulocyte macrophage colony- stimulating factor improved implantation and ongoing pregnancy rates in patients who have experienced miscar iage.
2018/6/15~6/16 日本アンドロロジー学会第37回学術大会@兵庫(神戸)
培養部:久原 早織
2018/4/15 第75回九州・沖縄生殖医学会@福岡
副院長:本庄 考
当院での初期流産絨毛染色体検査(POC:Products of Conception)の臨床的検討
培養部:荒牧 夏美
培養部:久原 早織
2018/4/12~4/15 The 8thCongress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE 2018)@台湾
培養部長:泊 博幸
Effect of sequential culture method using two types of single culture medium for in vitro culture of human embryos